The physical energy of flying, leaping, playing and growing inspires these images. These silkscreen pieces were created as I remembered the excitement of a child’s first successful attempt to clap hands, the first sprout of a spring flower, a recurring dream of flying.
Clap Hands!
15” x 11”
16” x 13”
30” x 22”
30” x 22”
30” x 22”
22” x 30”
17.5” x 5.5”
9” x 6.5”
23” x 15”
The physical energy of flying, leaping, playing and growing inspires these images. These silkscreen pieces were created as I remembered the excitement of a child’s first successful attempt to clap hands, the first sprout of a spring flower, a recurring dream of flying.
Clap Hands!
15” x 11”
16” x 13”
30” x 22”
30” x 22”
30” x 22”
22” x 30”
17.5” x 5.5”
9” x 6.5”
23” x 15”